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About Us

About CDG Chartered Accounting

Striving for a fairer system

Our team consists of a number of highly trained accounting and taxation professionals. Each of our team members has a unique role within the firm and can offer a different approach where needed. We also specialise in remote support, so are able to comfortably offer our service Australia wide, although we always like to come and meet our clients regularly as well.


We like to start with Bookkeeping, and as we are a Chartered Accounting firm, you can trust that your data will be accurate, compliant and helpful for decision making. Additionally, we remain one of the most cost-effective bookkeeping providers available as we believe strongly in fair pricing.

Better yet, when we provide bookkeeping for our clients, their end of year tax and financial statement fees decrease significantly, that's if we don't include them for free in the package. This is because we have already accurately entered all of the data, and therefore you will not be charged just to have the data re-entered in another system.


CDG Chartered Accounting, part of CDG Corporate Pty Ltd, was started with the intention of helping business succeed by offering quality management advice to help business owners make educated decisions. We offer advanced tax planning and have key experience in business operations management, often for no higher of a cost than most bookkeeping providers.


CDG Corporate offers other services on the same premise as well. We aim to provide a high quality of service in a number of industries. See below links to our other sites for more information.

CDG Migration

CDG Migration

Registered Migration Agents

MARN 1912065

Providing Immigration advice and assistance to all people

Soliem Realty

Soliem Real Estate

Licenced Real Estate Agents

Providing Quality Property Management and Sales Services


Tax Institute
Chartered Accountant
Tax Agent


Suite 1.1, 328 Scottsdale Drive,

Robina, QLD 4226


Phone: 07 5679 2470


Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Privacy Policy   ©2022 by CDG Corporate Pty Ltd.

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