The Research and Development Tax Incentive: Is my Business Eligible? How do I apply?
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An overview of the R&D Tax Incentive, the difference between refundable and non-refundable offsets, and how to apply.
CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 30, 2020
- 2 min
Victorian Business Grants 3: The Remaining Grants; Do I qualify for the Business Resilience Package?
A final look at the September 2020 Victorian Business Grants. We will summarise key grants, and look in detail at the Melbourne CBD grants.
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CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 29, 2020
- 3 min
Victorian Business Grants 2: What is the Sole Trader Support Fund and the Outdoor Eating Package?
A further look at Victorian Business Grants, who is eligible, and what is on offer. This post looks at Sole Trader Grants and Hospitality.
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CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 28, 2020
- 3 min
Victorian Business Grants 1: What is available, and am I eligible?
An overview of the recently released Victorian Business Grants and who is eligible to receive them.
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CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 22, 2020
- 3 min
Jobkeeper 2.0 – What if I do not meet the new turnover tests?
What happens if you are no longer eligible for Jobkeeper? Do employee's go back to normal hours? Read this post.
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CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 21, 2020
- 3 min
Jobkeeper 2.0 – How do I keep receiving Jobkeeper payments after September?
A clear look at how Jobkeeper is changing at the end of September 2020, and whether you will still qualify.
276 views0 comments
CDG Chartered Accounting
- Sep 18, 2020
- 2 min
Jobkeeper vs Jobseeker – What is the difference? And how are they changing?
An overview of the differences between Jobkeeper and Jobseeker, and what it all means.
21 views0 comments
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